Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SEI my own monster towel

Ok so we all know how much I LOVE SEI - I mean I love SEI.

I bought these cute little monster iron sheets at the local convention recently - and just adore these. I bought them for the sole purpose and that was to make something for my daughter. When she was really small she would put her arms up and "grumble" like a monster. She earned the nickname "Monster". I know, I know that isn't very nice. Well she was a cute little monster and so when I found these I needed to make something for her.

So off to a local store today in search for something cheap to buy that I could turn into something adorable.
I found this beach towel - which is perfect size for a toddler. Mind you I paid $1.50 for the towel. So I think this project not only is ADORABLE but was very cheap. I spent less than $7.00 for this project.

Go and check out the other SEI My own Monster projects. Have fun.

Happy scrappin'

1 comment:

sei art studio said...

Love this towel idea! Thanks for joining the monster week fun!