I first must say thanks to the faboulous and wonderful MOMO from http://madebymomo.blogspot.com/. Thanks to her great idea I have obtained several new followers.
Some followers have been so sweet to leave me an award so I am passing those on to others to enjoy too. I will say I have received the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks so much to Tiffany from http://sparkledmemories.blogspot.com/. and to Lisa D from http://www.lmdstampin.com/ for giving me this award!
The requirments to accept this award are :
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass it on to 15 other bloggers
Ok so here is the 7 things about me.
- I have been married to my wonderful, loving, supportive hubsband for almost 7 years
- We have a beautiful little girl who is 2 1/2.
- I have a Siberian Husky named, Nikita (or if the baby tells you its Maaakeya).
- I love to scrapbook and make cards.
- I have a degree in automotive and diesel technology
- I have lived in Illinois, Georgia, Texas, and now Michigian
- I am a reality TV show junkie.
So again, much Thanks to Tiffany and Lisa for giving me this award.
Now I too shall pass it along to others:
- Annette at http://annettea422.blogspot.com/
- Arlene at http://waterdots.blogspot.com/
- Gabby at http://stampingab.blogspot.com/
- Janie at http://sweetfarmerjane.blogspot.com/
- Heather at http://greenscrapinmachine.blogspot.com/
- Heather I at http://heathersscrappiness.blogspot.com/
- Ashley at http://ashgonebuggy.blogspot.com/
- Ruby Rose at http://www.paper-junkie.blogspot.com/
- Missy at http://www.quickchickdesigns.blogspot.com/
- Sally at http://createdbysally.blogspot.com/
- Louie at http://ideas2creations.blogspot.com/
- Deborah at http://scrappingmoms-scraps.blogspot.com/
- Jennifer at http://lambcreations.blogspot.com/
- Noelle at http://noellescrapsalot.blogspot.com/
- Candace at http://scrappin2littleprincesses.blogspot.com/
I have looked over there blogs and just love what they have done.
Hope you will enjoy them too.
Thanks again Tiffany and Lisa.
Happy Scrappin' and have a GREAT Day..
Hi Terri! Thanks so much for visiting me & for the award! How SWEET is that?!? I love your blog too!!
Thank You Terri! I can't wait to see what you make next! :)
More good news! You won my blog candy from the April Fool's Day Blog Hop :) Please send me your contact info so I can get your prize in the mail!
Congratulations Teri!!!
Sherrie K
Hi Teri...Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't see that you won the blog hop candy at http://sparkledmemories.blogspot.com/
Sorry I didn't see an email address to email you. I am just another blog hopper trying to let you know. She said you have one week to claim your candy. Congrats on winning!!! Anna D
annadowdy at gmail dot com
I like how you decorated your cricut. love it. Momo sent me and I am a follower now. I cant wait to see what your going to post next. I am new at blogging and only have one project posted. Feel free to visit, take a look around and maybe grab a button.
Happy Crafting,
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